Thought I better explain to any new folks how to view all the 39 postings I made. To the right below our photo you will see "Blog Archive". This is the way you navigate the postings. The blog starts at the end of the trip and goes backwards. You see August has 11 postings including this one. Click on each post to read what happened that day. There were 28 postings made during July. Click on July to find that listing, then click on each day separately to read the daily posting.
Sometimes when you open the posting some photos will not open. You will have try again by
re-clicking on that day or maybe even starting over by closing blog site and starting over.
The photos on blog are not that big so you really do not get full effect of the scenery. You can click on the first photo which will enlarge it. Then at bottom you can click on each of the other mini-photos to enlarge and work you way through all on that posting. Only problem is when you do this you will not see the "caption" I may have written under the photo. I recommend you go through the posting reading the photo captions then returning to go through again, this time enlarging them.
Sometimes when you open the posting some photos will not open. You will have try again by
re-clicking on that day or maybe even starting over by closing blog site and starting over.
The photos on blog are not that big so you really do not get full effect of the scenery. You can click on the first photo which will enlarge it. Then at bottom you can click on each of the other mini-photos to enlarge and work you way through all on that posting. Only problem is when you do this you will not see the "caption" I may have written under the photo. I recommend you go through the posting reading the photo captions then returning to go through again, this time enlarging them.